Sunday, October 4, 2009

9 Parts of Desire

Tonight I went to see the play "9 Parts of Desire" put on by the University Theater. 90 minutes of five women telling nine different perspectives of Iraqi women living both in Iraq and in the United States. It was such an intense play, the actors were so impressive in their ability to recreate emotions these women must have felt. I really enjoyed the girl who lived in America explaining how she felt trying to get a hold of her family in Iraq during the bombings. It was incredible the raw emotion that came out when her family actually got through after 9/11. I also really liked the perspective of the painter and the play itself had some great quotes. I think this class has taught me to have a different outlook on the Middle East, but this play really solidified things, for me at least. It's one thing to listen to documentaries analyze films or actions, but to actually hear a real woman's perspective gave me a better understanding of what life is like and how the U.S. is viewed over there. Tonight I am going to to pick out passages from the book that I was reading earlier. I decided to keep the book because I think some of these stories might fit in well with the information we got from watching the play. The accounts are short and I think they might supplement the other stories well.


  1. I completely agree with you. The play really seemed to solidify my understanding of the Middle East. It is one thing to see a bomb or hear about a devastating thing, but quite another to see the emotional affect it has on another person.

  2. I agree with you and Amy about the play. I also was especially struck by the phone conversations with the American cousin.
