Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Paradise Now

One of the very first things I noticed about watching Paradise Now was the military presence and when there was sound of gunfire how everyone ducked, but still went on with their business as if nothing happened. I was also surprised as the ease with which the characters discussed suicide. For Americans, it is still such an abstract idea even though it happens everyday. It's a taboo subject, but within the film suicide can be discussed without even flinching because it is considered "God's will". I found a general similarity between the novel Gold Dust and this film, which was once women get involved everything becomes complicated again. I was surprised by the irony of when they were taping the reasons for their suicide missions, that the camera breaks and he must be filmed again. It gives him a second chance to think about his decision. The phrasing used in this film was interesting as well. The fact that the decision itself was "God's will" and they are martyrs for a cause, not chosen by chance. Everything has purpose and I think this is how Khaled and Said are convinced that suicide is necessary. I can't imagine the feeling one would have, having a live explosive strapped to themselves. The terror going through their minds. I was shocked when Jamal said, "when the first one carries out the operation, don't watch him do it." I couldn't believe that this was said given the seriousness of the issue at hand.

1 comment:

  1. i defiantly thought that the camera breaking down was very significant.Here he is standing their with a gun wanting peace and explains why he is going to commit suicide. I thought it was very interesting how the man in charge of the operation was talking to them and used the word "BOYS" They are still boys. they have not even lived their life. i thought how it was interesting how you related this movie with the book "Gold dust." You had a great post!
