Thursday, October 22, 2009

Two Short Stories

I think the two short stories were an interesting choice in comparison to Gold Dust. I personally liked the Lawsuit better. I think it is a little more relateable except for the fact the father has more than one wife. But despite this, I took the new wife to be someone like a younger stepmother. A situation where the original mother is still involved, but the new mother is causing a significant amount of drama within the family. I thought it was interesting to see how she brought the lawsuit upon her "own family." I don't blame the family for being concerned about finances. I figured if the father didn't use a bank, his family would be more concerned for where it was being kept and who was taking money out of it....This whole situation really reminded me of step family within our own county and how it's portrayed in the media.


  1. I like your post and feel that it is weird how the father is still married to the wife but remarried while still with his wife.

  2. Aside from the two wives aspect, the story almost had a Cinderella feeling

  3. I feel like short stories are a better way in general to learn subjects by. With a bigger novel, it can take a while to get into, and even longer to discuss.
